
A simple thread-safe timer util library written in standard C++20

View the Project on GitHub Unbinilium/Timer


A simple thread-safe timer util library written in stdandard C++20, for measuring and recording the time spent performing different functions.

int main() {
    ubn::timer t("Main ⏱");
    std::jthread([&] {
        t.setTag("Sub thread", "Thread 1");
    std::jthread([&] {
        t.setTag("Sub thread", "Thread 2");
    t.setTag("Sub thread", "Thread 1", "Thread 2");

To use timer util library with your project, please clone this repository as git submodule and add these to your CMakeLists.txt:

add_subdirectory(<time source dir>)
target_link_libraries(<your project name> PUBLIC timer)


Defined in header timer.hpp, namespace ubn:

template <
    typename Clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock,
    typename Unit = std::chrono::milliseconds,
    typename Precision = double
> class timer;

Clock is used for specifing the clock type, Unit for specifying the time unit type and Precision for specifying the time duration casting precision of (avg_duration and frequency). The basic data structure of timer are listed as follows:

> m_time_point_map;

    std::deque<std::unordered_map<std::string_view, std::variant<long, Unit>>>
> m_info_history_map;

All the availiable keys of info history map:

Type Key
long id, cur_duration, min_duration, max_duration
Precision avg_duration, frequency

Member functions

If init a timer with a specified _self_tag_name (not an empty string ""), it will print all info history records with the identifier of this tag name after the timer was destructed. The default info history records limit is set to 5 by _info_history_size, it should always larger than 0.

template <std::convertible_to<std::string_view> Arg>
explicit timer(
    const Arg& _self_tag_name = "timer",
    const std::size_t& _info_history_size = 5

template <std::convertible_to<std::string_view> Arg>
explicit timer(
    const std::map<std::string_view, std::chrono::time_point<Clock>>& _time_point_map,
    const Arg& _self_tag_name,
    const std::size_t& _info_history_size

It easy to call printAllInfoHistory() to print all info history record(s) by performing overloads for std::ostream with std::cout to the timer object.

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _os, const timer& _timer);

Update duration(s) by substract another timer, returns the reference of this timer.

timer& operator<<(const timer& _timer);

Use operator [] to get the last updated info history record by tag name, alternative to call function getInfo() with a single parameter directly.

template <std::convertible_to<std::string_view> Arg>
auto operator[](const Arg& _tag_name);
Function name Design purpose
auto setTag(name ...) Set tag(s) by tag name(s), set new tag(s) and initialize info history, else update the tag’s time point and update info history, returns time point
bool eraseTag(name ...) Erase tag(s) by tag name(s), returns false returns false if has at least one tag name is not found, otherwise is true
auto getTimePoint(name) Get time point by tag name
auto getInfo(name) Get tag info by tag name, returns an unordered map that includes the last updated info
void printInfo(name ...) Print last updated info by tag name(s)
void printAllInfo() Print all last updated info for all tag(s)
auto getInfoHistory(name) Get tag info history by tag name, returns a deque that includes all the info history of this tag
void printInfoHistory(name ...) Print tag info history recored(s) by tag name(s), the default size of info history records is 5
void printAllInfoHistory() Print all info history record(s) for all tag(s)
bool clearInfoHistory(name ...) Clear tag(s) info history record(s) by tag name(s), returns false if has at least one tag name is not found, otherwise is true
void clear() Clear time point map and info history map


MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Unbinilium.